Post-Doc Researcher
Dr. Michael Prilla Dr.-Ing. (Doktor-Ingenieur, PhD) Diploma in Computer Science
Best Poster Award for Michael Prilla and Oliver Blunk at the 2015 European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL 2015). http://www.ec-tel.eu/index.php?id=729.

Cover story in CACM November 2013: I have co-authored an article on „Technologies for Caring for People with Dementia“ with fantastic colleagues from the MIRROR project, which has been chosen to be the cover story of CACM 11/2013. The article covers our work on the Talk Reflection App in combination with other apps from the project. Thanks to the other authors of this paper and to the IMTM MIRROR people for this achievement. You can view the article at cacm.acm.org.
Research interest
- Main interests: CSCW, HCI, learning and process management with a focus on supporting cooperative work by organizational procedures and IT tools, in application fields such as workplace support and learning, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and service engineering/design for the elderly, collaborative creation and sustainment of knowledge and collaborative learning as well as Bottom-up business process management. Domains of my particular interest are:
- Learning and cooperation support at workplaces
- Design of interaction means for different user groups, e.g. for interaction with viszualizations and process models
- The convergence of the digital and real world, e.g. in the usage of mobile technology
- Participation and active contribution of non-experts to central business processes such process management
You can access my pubs at Bibsonomy and download some here.
Current slidesets are taken from recent presentations at (in descending order) the ECIS 2014, COOP 2014 and ECSCW 2013 conferences.
Watch more slides from various presentations below and at Slideshare
- Recent and upcoming papers:
- „Fostering Collaborative Redesign of Work Practice: Challenges for Tools Supporting Reflection at Work“: Full paper at the European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2013), together with Viktoria Pammer and Birgit Krogstie
- „Computing Technologies for Reflective and Creative Care for People with Dementia“: To appear in the Communication of the ACM (CACM) 2013, together with Neil Maiden, Sonali D’Souza, Sara Jones, Lars Müller, Lucia Pannese, Kristine Pitts, Kevin Pudney, Malcolm Rose, Ian Turner and Konstantinos Zachos
- „Understanding and Supporting Reflective Learning Processes in the Workplace: The RL@Work Model“ as a full paper for the European Conference for Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2013), together with Birgit Krogstie and Viktoria Pammer
- „Individual and Collaborative Reflection at Work: Support for Workplace Learning in Healthcare“ as a full paper to CSCL 2013, together with Krista deLeeuw, Ulrike Cress and Thomas Herrmann
- „Collaborative Reflection for Learning at the Healthcare Workplace“ as a chapter in the current Springer book Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning at the Workplace (CSCL@Work) edited by Sean Googins, Isa Jahnke and Volker Wulf, together with Thomas Herrmann and Martin Degeling
- Upcoming workshops and conferences:
- 11th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems: Call for Papers released (see COOP 2014) homepage. Call for Workshop, which I am sharing together with Nina Boulus-Rødje, is about to come soon!
- Workshop „Models and their Role in Collaboration“ in conjunction with the European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2013): Nine strong papers accepted, see details on the workshop homepage
- Third workshop on „Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning“ at the European Conference for Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2013) coming up in September, join us in Cyprus. Details are found on the workshop homepage
- Workshop on „21st century learning in the health and emergency sectors“ at the European Conference for Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2013) coming up as a clash of science and business: Join us in Cyprus and take the chance to get TEL more established in the sectors (see the workshop homepage for details.
- Workshop on „Collaborative Technologies for Working and Learning: ECTEL meets ECSCW“ as a joint workshop of the European Conference for Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2013) and the the European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2013): We have accepted 12 good papers, looking forward to a great workshop; see the workshop homepage for details.
Current acitivities
- Leader of the work package „Collaborative knowledge construction“ in the European Project (IMTM / official homepage)
- Coordination of the project service4home
Committees and events
- Member of the programm committee of the „18th Conference on Collaboration and Technology“ (CRIWG 2012)
- Organisation of the „2nd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning“ (ARTEL 2012), EC-TEL 2012
- Member of the program committee for the „3rd International Workshop on Motivational and Affective Aspects of Technology Enhanced Learning“ (MATEL 2012), EC-TEL 2012
- Member of the program commitee for the 2nd and 3rd „International Workshop on Empirical Research in Business Process Management“, ER-BPM 2011 / ER-BPM 2012 at the Business Process Management Conference, BPM 2011 / BPM 2012.
- Organisation of workshop „Collaborative usage and development of models and visualizations“ at the European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, ECSCW 2011.
- Member of the organizing committee for the workshop on „Augmenting the Learning Experience with Collaborative Reflection“ at the European Concerence on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2011.
Reviews for Journals
- Computer Supported Cooperative Work CSCW
- International Journal for e-Collaboration IJeC
- IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies TLT
Reviews for conferences and workshops
- 2013 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work CSCW 2013
- 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction NordiCHI 2012
- 10th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems COOP 2012
- 2012 e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik DELFI 2012
- 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction CHI 2012
- 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Science HICSS 2012
- 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work CSCW 2012
- Third International Symposium on End-User Development IS-EUD 2011
- 2010 ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction CHI 2010
- 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Science HICSS 2010
- 2009 ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction CHI 2009
- Fifth Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction NordiCHI 2008
- Fourth Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction NordiCHI 2006
Slides from various events
Collaborative Reflection at the Workplace: Talk Michael Prilla et al. at GROUP 2012 conference by michael.prilla
The Push and Pull of Reflection in Workplace Learning from michael.prilla
Process models as neutral ground in collaboration, but power matters @ ECSCW 2011
View more presentations from michael.prilla Computer Support for Collaborative Reflection on Captured Teamwork Data @ EC-TEL 2011 View more presentations from michael.prilla Wissensmanagementunterstützung für die Entwicklung und Nutzung von Prozessmodellen als wissensvermittelnde Artefakte: Disstertation View more presentations from michael.prilla AAL-Dienstleistungen mit Pen&Paper-Technologie: service4home @ AAL-Kongress 2011 View more presentations from michael.prilla Models, Social Tagging and Knowledge Management – A fruitful Combination @ BPM 2009 Conference View more presentations from michael.prilla Web 2.0 and Collaboration Support Systems: Mensch und Computer 2008. View more presentations from michael.prilla
Past acitivities
- BMBF-Project integro
- BMBF-Project Maris
- Project Kolumbus 2
- Project SeeMe
Continuous activities | Supervision of students‘ theses |
Winter term 07 | Support of lecture (practice) in Groupware and Knowledge Management |
Summer term 07 | Support of lecture in Design of socio-technical information systems |
Summer term 07 | Supervision of student project Contextualization of information by Social Tagging |
Winter term 06/07 | Lecture in Groupware and Knowledge Management |
Winter term 06/07 | Supervision of student project Beyond Writely. A Web 2.0 application for Collaborative Writing |
SoSe 06 | Support of lecture in Design of socio-technical information systems |
WiSe 05/06 | Support of lecture in Groupware and Knowledge Management |
WiSe 05/06 | Supervision of student project Evaluation, adaptation and implementation of a frontend for a web-bases learning and knowledge management platform |
PhD thesis
My PhD thesis was concerned with the support of process model usage and development by knowledge management. Other fields of interest include phenomena of web 2.0 – especially social tagging systems -, semantic web, socio-technical system design, the transistion from personal to group information management and service process design and analysis. To get an impression of my interests, see my links and tags on Bibsonomy Titel: „Knowledge Management Support for the Development and Usage of Process Models as Artefacts for Knowledge Transfer“ Only available in German Nowadays, process maps are being used by many companies for the documentation of processes, for their analysis, their optimization and implementation. Therefore, process maps contain relevant knowledge for organizations. However, practice shows that this knowledge is distributed unequally: While only a few people in organizations use process maps, many others are not aware of them or do not use them. The reason for this problem can be found in the lack of support for process maps by organizational knowledge management systems (KMS). These tools mainly support textual content. Therefore, knowledge being in principle available in organization is not used to full extent or even gets lost. Facing this problem, this thesis describes and implements potential solutions for the usage and support of process maps as content units of knowledge management. Based on an empirical study, a catalog of seven fields of action containing a total of 37 requirements is derived and implemented in prototypes. The resulting system allows the integration of process maps into KMS content by using social tagging as a means of semantic markup for process maps. Based on this, the system serves as a showcase for functionality supporting the usage of process maps for knowledge transfer. For the first time, this thesis gives a detailed and comprehensive description of problems and potentials of process maps in knowledge management. As part of this description, it described requirements, their implementation and links resulting functionality to organizational processes of knowledge management. Therefore, it contains practical advice for the usage of process maps as a knowledge resource in organizations. Moreover, it extends existing scientific insights into business process management and knowledge management as well as into the usage of process maps by non-experts and the design of cooperation support systems. Die Dissertation ist im EUL-Verlag erschienen.
2004 | Diploma in computer science at the University of Dortmund |
since 2005 | Research Assistant at the Information und Technology Management work group at Ruhr University Bochum |
Okt-Dez 2007 | Resarch visit at the Center for LiveLong Learning and Design at the University of Colorado in Boulder |
Dr. Michael Prilla Ruhr-Universität Bochum Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft LS Informations- und Technikmanagement Gebäude NB, 1. Etage, Raum 67 Universitätsstraße 150 44780 Bochum Fon: +49(0)234/32-27735 E-Mail